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Open Positions





Connection and Engagement Committee

The charge given to the Connection and Engagement Committee by the NATA BOD is to be membership ambassadors by engaging and linking ATs with the resources, information, and support available from the national office. Additionally, they will facilitate information flow and feedback across the state, district, and national levels.


Connection and Engagement Committee District 10 Representative -




Early Professionals Committee

The Early Professionals' Committee (EPC) was created to support athletic trainers in the early stages of their career by fostering leadership, developing educational initiatives and promoting professional and ethical values. The committee addresses issues around transition to practice, creates opportunities to develop career skills and leadership development opportunities and foster professional networking and mentorship for athletic trainers in the first six years of initial certification.


Early Professionals' Committee District 10 Representative -




Professional Responsibility in Athletic Training Committee

The mission of the Professional Responsibility in Athletic Training Committee (PRAT) is to support the legal, ethical and regulatory (LER) standards of the AT Strategic Alliance by encouraging and promoting adherence. The PRAT collaboratively works with the Strategic Alliance to proactively inform professional practice by streamlining LER resources, educating professionals about how to exercise those standards and establishing an online presence.


Professional Responsibility in Athletic Training Committee District 10 Representative -





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